A rodeo event where a beautiful cowgirl mounted upon a beautiful horse team up to run around 3 barrels set up in a cloverleaf pattern. The rider can choose to go either to the left or right barrel first but must do so without knocking a barrel down. A down barrel(s) will result in an additional 5 second penalty (per down barrel) added to the overall time. If the pattern is broken, the team will receive a no time. The team with the fastest time will win the competition.
Same as the Ladies’ Barrel Racing but features competitors the age of 15 years and younger.
Is an event that consists of either a boy or girl the age of 15 or younger mounted upon a horse and a calf. Similar to Calf Roping, the goal is for the rider to catch the calf by throwing a loop of rope from a lariat tied to the saddle horn around its neck. Once caught, the rope will break away from the saddle horn and the judge will drop the flag. This will signify for the time to stop. The competitor with the shortest time will win the event.
Muttin Bustin is an event at our rodeos for the kids that love the action of rodeo. This is event is just the beginning of kids becoming a major contender in the future. This event skill is similar to Bull Riding or Ranch Bronc Riding in which kids ride on the sheep’s back, locks their legs around the sheep, squeezes tight, and holds on for as long as they can. Whoever time that is the longest, wins. Every Muttin Bustin Kid is always recognized with the RCA as a winner and a champion!!
Very similar to Steer Wrestling but is an all-Ladies’ event by which they do not dismount the horse. The Ladies’ are mounted upon fast horses that run at high speeds alongside a steer with a piece of tape affixed to its back. The object is for the lady to reach down and pull this piece of tape from the steers back and raise it high above their head. At that time the flag drops signifying for the time to stop. The competitor with the shortest time will win the event.
Steer wrestling, also known as bulldogging, is a rodeo event in which a horse-mounted rider chases a steer at a high speed, dismounts from the horse onto the steer, then wrestles the steer to the ground by grabbing its horns and pulling it off-balance so that it falls to the ground. This is a team event as there is also another horse-mounted rider whose job is to align/haze the steer to give the Steer Wrestler the perfect opportunity to complete their task. This event was created by an African American by the name of Bill Pickett. The competitor with the shortest time will win the event.
Is an event that consists of participants the age of 50 and older mounted upon a horse and a calf. Similar to Calf Roping, the goal is for the rider to catch the calf by throwing a loop of rope from a lariat tied to the saddle horn around its neck. Once caught, the rope will break away from the saddle horn and the judge will drop the flag. This will signify for the time to stop. The competitor with the shortest time will win the event.
Team Roping, a team sport, requires close cooperation and timing between two highly skilled ropers and their horses. The header and heeler each begin in separate boxes. The header will rope the steers head, wrap the rope (dally) around their saddle horn and turn it left. The heeler will then follow behind and throw his rope at the steers hind legs. Upon catching, he will also wrap the rope (dally) around the saddle horn stretching it out. The header will turn and face the heeler and the flag will drop signaling for the time to stop. If the heeler catches both hind legs, this is considered a clean run and no penalty is added. If the heeler only catches one leg, then an additional 5 seconds is added to the time. If no legs are caught this will result in a no time. The competitor with the shortest time will win the competition.
A set of riders (team) mounted on fast horses that will go head-to-head with another set of riders (team) mounted on fast horses. The teams will run around 4 barrels at a high-speed passing a baton to the next teammate within a designated location. The last rider/horse on the teams will then enter into the middle of the circle and place the baton in an open barrel. The team that completes this first will be the winner.
Calf Roping, also known as Tiedown Roping, consists of a rider mounted upon a horse and a calf. The goal of this timed event is for the rider to catch the calf by throwing a loop of rope from a lariat around its neck, dismount from the horse, run to the calf, and restrain it by tying three legs together with a piggin string. The competitor with the shortest time will win the event.
Ranch Bronc Riding is an event at our rodeos that resemble the Western Heritage when Cowboys had to tame wild free-roaming horses, which were also known as mustangs. In this event, contestants mount a bucking horse using a regular saddle with a horn and a lasso attached. Rules for this event allow the rider to use both hands, compared to Saddle Bronc riding where only one hand can be used. A riders score is determined by continuously spurring the during the ride until 8 seconds is up.
Bull Riding involves a rider mounting a bucking bull and attempting to stay mounted while the animal tries to buck the rider off. The rider must stay mounted to the bull, using only 1 hand, for 8 seconds in order to receive a qualified time. If the rider touches the bull with their free hand or is bucked off prior to the 8 seconds, this will result in a disqualification and a no score will be given. The competitor with the highest score will win the competition.